If your car is returning to the leasing company it will have to undergo an inspection. It is important to have any scratches, chips, scrapes or Dents repaired before the inspection. This can potentially save you a fortune as the leasing companies may charge you a considerable amount for what may look like minor damage.
Scratches that have penetrated the topcoat lacquer and are longer than 2.5cm are deemed unacceptable and you could incur heavy charges.
A full guide to what constitutes fair wear and tear can be found at www.bvrla.co.uk/advice/guidance/returning-your-leased-vehicle
You can email us, send us some pictures or we can come out and inspect your vehicle prior to it being returned to the leasing company.
A smart repair by Auto Revive will be cheap in comparison to a full body shop repair price charged by the leasing company.